About SELF (French Speaking Ergonomics Society)
The Society was founded in 1963. Its mission is to promote the practice of, research in and teaching of ergonomics in France and at the international level (in French-speaking countries). It advocates the use of ergonomics in order to design usable and efficient products and interactive systems, to ensure occupational safety and health, and to optimize overall system reliability and performance.
What is Ergonomics ?
The following definition was adopted by the International Ergonomics Association in August 2000 :
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and other methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
Currently, the society has 4 standing committees :
- The History Committee
- The committee on Occupational Risks and Personnel Representatives
- The Young Practices committee
In 2019, the society has 510 members in France and other French-speaking countries (278 full members, 153 affiliate members, 60 student affiliate members, 16 honorary members, 1 sustaining members, and 3 public relations). Its members include ergonomists, occupational health physicians, psychologists, engineers, designers, and scientists, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them.
Members are employed in industries, universities and colleges, government agencies, consulting firms, public utilities, and other settings.
SELF has different categories of membership :
- Full Member : Any person who fulfils two of the following criteria shall be eligible to become a full member of the Society : the person has a degree in ergonomics from an accredited college or university, he/she has a number of full-time years of applicable experience in human factors work or in teaching, she/she has contributed to the development of ergonomics. Full membership requires endorsements from two full members of SELF. Full Members may vote and hold office in the SELF board.
- Affiliate Member : Any person who has an interest in ergonomics, but who does not qualify for Full Member status shall be eligible to become an Affiliate of the Society. Affiliate Members cannot vote, hold office, or represent themselves as full Members of the Society.
- Student Affiliate Member : Any person who is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited college or university shall be eligible to become a Student Affiliate of the Society. Student Affiliate membership requires endorsement from a faculty member from the student’s institution.
- Honorary member : For persons who have significantly contributed to the development of ergonomics.
- Institutional Member : Institutional membership is available to companies and institutions interested in supporting the profession and the Society.